Dr. Subramaniam’s lab identifies cell-cell transport mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease protein.
Dr. Subramaniam’s team identifies mechanisms underlying neuronal vulnerability in the brain.
Dr. Uri Nimrod Ramírez Jarquín won the Robert M Sandelman Award for Scientific Excellence for discovering a new regulator of L-DOPA induced dyskinesia.
Dr. Manish Sharma won honorable mention by Robert M Sandelman Awards Committee for his discovery of Rhes as a novel regulator of striatal vulnerability via mitophagy mechanisms.
Drs. Manish Sharma and Uri Nimrod Ramírez Jarquín both won the best poster awards in Scripps Science Fest for their exciting research.
Dr. Srinivasa Subramaniam receives funding to study the connection between aging and Huntington’s disease
Sophia Park, graduate student, won NSF graduate fellowship.
Oscar Rivera obtained NIH diversity award extension.
Jensen Wong joins lab for graduate research rotation
Scientists uncover potential driver of age- and Alzheimer’s-related memory loss.
Scripps Florida Scientists Win $2.1 Million to Study Protein Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Read coverage in the Sun Sentinel
Scripps Florida Study Points to Drug Target for Huntington’s Disease Read coverage in Medical News Today
Dr. Srini Subramaniam awarded Alzheimer’s disease grant
Dr. Srini Subramaniam and researchers Drs. Richa Tyagi, Neelam Shahani and Solomon Snyder identify novel mechanisms of protein synthesis. Read the study
Dr. William Pryor wins Robert M. Sandelman Award for Scientific Excellence, 2014
Dr. Neelam Shahani and co-researchers identify novel connection between DISC1, a schizophrenia-related protein, and APP, the Alzheimer disease protein.
Dr. William Pryor wins Alzheimer’s drug discovery foundation travel award,
Dr. Srini Subramaniam and Dr. William Pryor identified new pathway leading to Huntington‘s disease Read the study, and coverage in MedicalResearch.com
Drs. Srini Subramaniam, Neelam Shahani, and William Pryor identified a new regulator of Alzheimer disease pathway Read coverage in the Economic Times and Avail Clinical